About Us
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Hi, and welcome to our website - Farrell Family Adventures
We are the Farrell Family and in the summer of 2020 we made the life-changing decision to quit our jobs, sell our house and begin a new adventure travelling around the UK and beyond in our campervan.
Its took us nearly 15 months to realise our dreams and begin travelling full time. During that time we faced difficult decisions and numerous delays and setbacks but in September 2021 we said goodbye to our family home of 11 years and set out into the unknown!
At this point you may be asking yourself why we would make such a big (and in many peoples eyes - Crazy) decision? The truth is there have been many moments over the last few years that have led us to this adventure. Covid-19, the rising cost of living, work-life balance, health issues, finding ways to reduce our footprint and many other things have all contributed to push us towards one conclusion - we are tired of living the 'normal' life. If we only get one life, we want to live it to the full, every day - the good, the bad and the ugly - whatever life throws at us we want to grab it with both hands and embrace it!
'VanLife' is fast becoming a popular choice for many people and you don't have to look very far on Instagram, Facebook or even TV to find thousands of pictures and videos of beautiful sunsets, clear blue waters and chilled bottles of wine all tempting you to forget the daily 9-5 and hit the road. Were we influenced by these images - probably, do we think its going to be like this all the time - definitely not. In the short space of time we have travelled and lived in our van we have hit snags, changed the layout mid build and realised we have too much stuff - even though we have been clearing and de-cluttering for nearly a year!
During the coming months and years we will be using this website - and our social media channels - to document our travels, to give a 'warts and all' commentary on living and travelling full time in a campervan. Will there be glorious pictures and 'wish I was there' moments - we certainly hope so, but there will also be plenty of 'oh crap' moments too!
We'd love you to join us on our journey so please bookmark this website and sign up to our social medial channels - Instagram, Facebook, Youtube.
To learn more about us and read our latest news and stories please see our Travel Blog and Travel Reviews pages.
See you soon...
The Farrells